Monday, 8 March 2010

Birding at Carambolim Lake

Carambolim lake is situated just behind the Karmali Railway station in Old Goa. It is a wetland ecosystem hosting a number of wintering visitors as well as some resident birds.

Bronze winged jacana juvenile

Access to the lake is easy and a long promenade along the lake margin on the southern side affords great close up views of birds. On the eastern side, is a rough track which is easy to walk along with watch towers conveniently placed at regular intervals along the way.

Cotton teal

Common coot

We reached the lake at 0730 hrs and what a sight met our eyes! Purple swamphens, Jacanas - both bronze and pheasant tailed, whistling teals, herons - purple, median and large, Indian cormorants, darters, kingfishers - common, white breasted and stork billed, were the first birds that met our eyes. Over in the distance, we could see gull-billed terns circling in search of fish, some northern shovellers took flight and then a large flock of glossy ibis flew overhead. Pied kingfishers flew by and proceeded to display their hovering and diving skills...

Lesser whistling teal

Darter and Purple swamphen

At the end of the promenade, is a tree where some spotted owls roost. The locals very enthusiastically helped us spot them.

Spotted owl

As we stepped onto the dirt track on the Eastern side, we saw blue tailed bee eaters, plenty of red whiskered and red vented bulbuls, small green bee eaters, ioras, and whistling teals and cotton teals in the water alongside. Further up, we saw many golden backed woodpeckers but deep in the shade of the tree cover, we were unable to get pictures.

All in all, we were satisfied with the morning's results.

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